Four Ways To Switch Off From Work Over The Holidays

As the holidays approach, you may find yourself feeling overwhelmed by the prospect of having to switch off from work. If you’re like many people today, you’re likely to be juggling multiple roles and responsibilities at once. In addition to your professional role, there’s a good chance that you also hold down a second job as a parent or carer for other family members. While this is an important task that can’t be ignored, it does mean that switching off from work might take some effort.

We’ve put together a guide to help you switch off from work and really relax over the break!

1. Turn off notifications on your work apps

The best way to switch off from work over the holidays is to turn off all notifications. This will ensure that you can’t use any apps or be tempted to jump into your inbox to action anything.

Chances are the work can wait until you’re back from the break and doesn’t need your much-deserved attention.

2. Do something physical.

The sun is shining and summer is in full swing, so why not get outdoors and get moving?

Getting outside and moving is one of the best ways to reduce stress, which will help you switch off from work. You don’t need to be an exercise guru to do this—think walking, swimming or even kicking a ball around the dog.

3. Do something that makes you feel relaxed.

The holidays are a time to breathe, relax and unwind. You can do this by doing something that makes you feel relaxed. Take a bath or shower, or have a nap in the afternoon with your feet up on the coffee table. Stretch out at home and do all the things you wish you had more time to do during the year.

4. Make time for creativity.

Take time out to do something creative.

In order for your mind to fully switch off from work, you need to make sure that you’re giving it the opportunity to breathe and relax. 

A great way of doing this is by making sure that there are things in your life that allow for creativity and relaxation. If you enjoy reading, pick up a book that has been on your shelf for longer than you care to admit. 

You can take up a hobby you’ve been wanting to try like clay building, painting, learning an instrument or getting back into the garden and tending to that veggie patch.

Taking time out of your work day to relax and have fun can be a great way to recharge. It’s easy to get caught up in the daily grind without realizing how much we’re taking on, but taking some time for yourself is vital for your mental health. If you find that you’re struggling with this, then try some of these tips! 

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