6 Fun Out Of Office Replies To Use Over The Holidays

There’s no better feeling than popping your out-of-office auto-reply on before logging off for the year, and we thought we’d make this task even easier by sharing 6 of our favourite templates you can steal for your own.

1. For those who want to keep it friendly but professional


Thank you for your email. I’m currently offline until [date] to celebrate the holiday with my loved ones—without my phone in front of my face.

I’ll be sure to reply to your message when I wade through my inbox upon my return. If your message is time-sensitive, please send an email to [Contact Name] at [contact email].

Sending wishes for a happy holiday season,

[Your Name]

2. For those who want to tell the world they are unwinding

Hello, and thanks for your email! If you’re getting this message, it means I’m out of the office, so that I can return to work full of fresh ideas for people like you!

Vacations are not for checking email, so I won’t be doing that. I’ll reply to your note once I return to the office on [date].

Sending good vibes for a Happy 2023,

[Your Name]

3. For those who aren’t afraid to be a little cheeky


I’m currently offline for the holidays—which means I’m busy either:

  • Trying not to roll my eyes at this year’s new batch of corny holiday movies (which all seem to follow the same plot)
  • Attempting to explain my career to my [relative] for the 800th time
  • Getting buzzed on too many glasses of punch (hey, can you blame me?)

I’ll return on [date] or after I watch [favourite holiday movie] one too many times (whichever comes first)—and will respond to your message at that time.

If your request is urgent, there’s no use sitting idly in my inbox. So please send your request to [Contact Name] at [contact email].

Happy holidays!

[Your Name]

4. For those who can’t escape their inbox


I’m out of the office for the holidays from [date] to [date]. However, I will be taking occasional breaks from binge-watching everything I’ve missed to check my email for urgent matters.

Please resend any messages that require my immediate attention with a subject line of “URGENT: [Original Subject]”.

If your matter isn’t urgent, it’s likely your note will temporarily be swallowed in a sea of unread emails, to be responded to after I return to reality.

All the best,

[Your Name]

5. For those who want to tell a story

Hellooooo . . .

You’ve reached the Ghost of Holidays Future. Whose future? Yours, of course! Let me show you what it looks like.

Step this way. Do you see yourself there? It’s the holidays, and yet you’re hunched over your mobile device. Yes, I know the new iPhone 13 looks pretty sweet. That’s not the point. Focus!

Look at all the festivities going on around you! The stockings are hung by the chimney with care. Friends and family are gathered. There’s a lovely ham on the table with all the trimmings, including figgy pudding (whatever the heck that is). And then there’s you, sitting there in the corner alone with your phone, emailing people who’d rather be celebrating and are probably just going to ignore you until next year.

Listen, I know you’re dedicated to your work, but don’t let this be your future. The holidays come just once a year. Why not take a break and recharge for a change? (No, not your phone—yourself!) Meanwhile, [Your Name] will return on [date] and will answer your email as quickly as possible.

Be merry! Now, goooo . . . *spooky chain rattle*

Yours very truly,

A. Spectre, Esq.

6. For those who want to keep it short and sweet

Hi there, 

Thank you for your email.

I will be out of the office and offline until [Date]

If your matter is urgent, please email [colleague name and email] and they will get back to you ASAP.

Wishing you a wonderful break.


[Your name]

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