How to Get Started With a Winning Formula for Recruitment

How to Get Started with a Winning Formula for Recruitment.

The recruitment process can be an extremely difficult and costly one without the right formula when it comes to onboarding new staff. When you consider wasted time, resources and the added stress of a bad hire, it’s clear to be seen that organisations deserve a winning formula to save themselves copious amounts of stress. 

The winning formula for recruitment boils down to a few simple principles, perhaps most importantly of all, replicating the top performers in your organisation. This ensures the prospective candidate can provide the outputs and quality that your organisation requires of a new staff member, and your organisation doesn’t need to slow down its momentum as you induct a new member of the team. 

Learn More About Best Practice Talent

So, the million-dollar question is how can we replicate top performers in our organisation? 

Well, it’s as simple as 1-2-3. 

Your organisation needs to do its share of the work, too, to ensure that the net you’re casting is sure to return some of the best talent out there. We’ve put together a comprehensive guide on how to create your organisation’s winning formula for recruiting, designed as a go-to resource for your organisation. 

  1. Sourcing talent. This is where you, the organisation looking to find new A-players to join your team must define the requirements of the role, as well as the person sitting in that seat. We do the legwork in terms of sourcing the talent, but we can’t find the perfect candidate unless you tell Best Practice Talent what the qualities and qualifications of the ideal candidate are. 
  1. We use this as the foundation of our search criteria, and assess the talent pool in line with your requirements. We run these candidates through our PXT Select analytics software to provide you with insight as to how that candidate could fit into your organisation’s culture and technical skill requirements. 
  1. Ensuring that your organisation has done its share of the work in terms of inducting the new employee, investing in their training and development, and instilling a sense of purpose and inspiration in the new employee with your organisation’s vision and mission. Remember, brains are more focussed when they’re inspired, and you’re more likely to retain the existing talent you’ve garnered, and attract new talent with an inspiring vision for the organisation. 

Discover PXT Select Software

Of course, one of the easiest ways to get the process started is to get in contact with Best Practice Talent today and see how our first-class systems and PXT Select software can help find the best candidates out in the market for your organisation. 

Best Practice Talent remains here to support you as you look for A-players to join your team, and provide the framework to identify key characteristics that your organisation is looking for. For more information on the process, our methodology and our results, click here to visit Best Practice Talent.

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