How Long Does It Take To Implement ISO 45001 Management System

iso management system

How long does it take to implement an ISO 45001 management system?

If you’re looking to become certified this is a pretty common question.

People come to us and say how long will it take us to implement an ISO 45001 management system?

In most organizations, it’s not a long time. In my experience, some organizations implement occupational health and safety management systems inside a month; and I’ve also seen some organizations take a number of years.

With dedicated resources and a positive attitude, I can say that defining an occupational health and safety management system will be something that doesn’t take a long time.

The change management part of improving the way you manage occupational health and safety in your organization may be the thing that takes a bit more time, so it’s about the variability of the appetite in your organization for change, the level of buy-in and the positive culture that’s required for occupational health and safety might also influence that time frame.

So, fast tracking the implementation of an occupational health and safety management system that complies with ISO 45001 is something that can be done but it requires positive attitude, positive culture and determined and allocated and dedicated resources.

Reach out to us here at Best Practice Certification and how find out how you might go about getting certified to ISO 45001.

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