What Does It Mean To Be A Mindful Leader?

PXT Select Leadership Report

Mindful leadership, in a sense, is about more than just being a good leader. It’s about being a good listener and making space for other people’s ideas and opinions. At its most basic level, it’s about helping all members of your team feel heard and understood. This can be easier said than done; after all, we spend so much time talking that we don’t always have time to listen to what others are saying—or we’re just not very good at it. But practising mindful leadership requires us to step outside ourselves and really pay attention to others’ needs and desires—and then act accordingly with the intention of helping them grow as leaders themselves.

Mindful leaders are not self-absorbed.

They do not focus on their own emotions and needs over those of others. Instead, mindful leaders are aware of their own emotions and the impact that these may have on others. They also pay attention to what’s happening around them so they can concentrate on helping other people in need.

Being mindful means having both a healthy body and mind – physically as well as mentally. A person who is mindful will be able to keep themselves physically healthy as well as mentally stable throughout their lives by making sure that they eat right and exercise regularly; however, it can take more than just eating right and exercising every day for someone to become truly “mindful”.

Mindful leaders are better listeners.

When you’re talking to a mindful leader, you can be sure that they’re hearing what you have to say. They’ll ask questions and make sure that they understand exactly what the issue is before offering their thoughts and suggestions. Truly mindful leaders don’t jump to conclusions or make assumptions about what others are thinking or feeling based on their own experiences; instead, they listen carefully and try to empathise with others’ viewpoints.

Mindful leaders help you find your voice on the team.

When you’re mindful of your team, you are more likely to find your voice. How? By listening in a way that helps you hear the voices of others. Mindful leaders know the importance of listening, and they practice it by asking questions that allow others to express their ideas on a topic or issue. When you ask questions if done right, it increases your awareness and understanding of what other people are saying and feeling about things—and this gives them confidence in speaking up as well!

If being mindful as a leader means helping people discover their voices on the team then we all need to practice being aware during meetings so that everyone has an opportunity to share their thoughts openly without worrying about being judged or criticised by others who might disagree with them (or think they’re wrong). It’s also important for us all not only listen but also make sure there is room for other viewpoints before coming together at the end with some kind of decision made collaboratively together.

Mindful leaders have a stronger sense of purpose.

A leader who is mindful knows what they want to achieve and why they are doing what they are doing. They have a clear sense of purpose. This helps them make decisions that drive results, rather than just waiting for things to happen or hoping that something good will turn up.

A mindful leader is more likely to be successful because they know where they’re going, how they intend to get there, and why it matters. They can focus on where their priorities lie and let other things go without worrying about the consequences of their actions (or inaction).

Mindful leadership is about being more intentional about how you work with others and the impact of your actions on those around you. It requires that you set aside time and space for reflection so that you can think through what’s happened in your day and how to make it better tomorrow. Mindfulness has been shown to have positive effects on mental health outcomes like stress reduction, depression relief or anxiety relief—and if leaders are more mindful, then their teams will likely benefit from these effects as well.

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